Lodge St. Andrew #518

Address Guide to Lodges in Scotland

Websites, Facebook & Mark Tokens

In this section of the site you will find a complete list of all Masonic Lodges in Scotland, well those operating under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Scotland anyway.

Please be patient with the "Complete" lists as they might take time to load - depending on your connection speed - as they are quite lengthy.

For those of you that are interested and can't be bothered counting there are...

640 Lodges in Scotland,
of which 290 have a web prescence & 100 have a Facebook page.
32 Provincial Grand Lodges in Scotland,
of which 25 have a web prescence.

I have presented what I think will be the most required search or browse methods, but if you should think of some other way to present the information I would be very interested to hear it.

I did consider making allowance for email addresses for Secretaries and Masters, but after due consideration this would make the list very high maintenance due to annual elections, so please don't ask.

518 Mark Penny
Scottish Token reverse
Standard Scottish Mark Token


The primary reason for this list was addresses & web links, but I have now decided to add links to Facebook pages as well.

I will slowly add to the list but if you're Lodge page isn't listed please email me the link.


I have now started to include Mark Tokens as part of the Lodge info. This will be an ongoing addition, so please be patient. I only have a very limited collection of Tokens, so the bulk of what I add has been hunted down online. If you happen to look through and your Lodge Token isn't there, the image isn't the greatest quality, or you have a different token, a photo would be greatly appreciated.

Finally I would like to credit (blame) P.M. Bro. Joe Stark* for the idea of adding Mark Tokens to the list, it's a great idea... but a lot of work.

* Lodge St. Lawrence #144 / Lodge Bulwark #1202

A note to Webmasters:

I verified every link whilst creating this section and used Lodge web sites to verify addresses. Some of which were very hard to find, and some sites didn't have them at all.

For written communication and/or general enquiries the R.W.M.'s and Secretaries email addresses are very handy.

However, in the age of the Sat Nav I reckon your address is pretty important, a link to a map is very pretty but a Post Code in your Sat Nav will get you there much quicker.

We all like visitors, so why not help those visitors get to you..?

Hearty thanks, and a debt of gratitude are due to

P.M. Bro. Steve McKim for the graphics I have used to represent Lodges without websites and/or a logo.
    The Masonic Knight's Asylum of Art

All addresses were originally verified using the Grand Lodge of Scotland 2008 Year Book at the time of publishing, some have been amended with more up to date information.