Lodge St. Andrew #518

Installation of Bro. Eric Grant


Eric Grant 2000
Office Bearers St. Andrew #518 2000

Back Row L-R
David Mundie, Brian Jamieson, John Southworth, Thomas Robertson,
Bill Urquhart (Keith #56), Andrew Kindness, David Gillies, Norman Robertson

Front Row L-R
George Leel, Alistair Mowat, Eric Grant, David Hutcheon, Kenneth McRobbie

Eric Grant, Ron Simpson and Ian Bain

Installing Masters

(L) P.M. Bro. Ron Simpson (Lodge Leask #1084)
R.W.M. Bro. Eric Grant
(R) P.M. Bro. Ian Bain (Lodge Ugie #939)

Eric Grant, Ron Simpson and Ian Bain
I.P.M. Bro. Davie Hutcheon

I.P.M. Bro. Davie Hutcheon

P.M. Bro. Ally Mowatt

D.M. P.M. Bro. Ally Mowatt

Tommy Robertson

Addressing The Haggis

P.M. Bro. Thomas Robertson